Connect. Anywhere. Instantly.
Scan the QR code on mobile or paste a link on desktop to get connected.Click the scan icon in
the top right to get started
the top right to get started
Install on a Smartphone in Seconds![Anrdoid Smartphone](/_next/image?url=%2Fimages%2Fplatforms%2Fandroid.png&w=48&q=75)
Click the Share button and Add to Home.
It's that easy!
Universal Wallet
Bring your Universal wallet with you wherever you go. Install the app on your phone and access your wallet in seconds. Simple, secure, and easy to use.
![Anrdoid Smartphone](/_next/image?url=%2Fimages%2Fplatforms%2Fandroid.png&w=48&q=75)
![iOS Smartphone](/_next/image?url=%2Fimages%2Fplatforms%2Fios.webp&w=48&q=75)
It's that easy!
Universal is a Progressive Web App (PWA) with no app store downloads required.